Saturday, June 25, 2011

Foul Follow-up (and not a feathered fiend to be seen)


File under lessons learned in the fine art of not biting off more than can be chewed.

I had ambitions. This video was to have animations, a narrative structure. It was to be a thing of beauty. Or was it to be? It was not at all. To be at all a thing. My head is wunky tonky; syntax is a luxury.

Anyway, after a while I just gave up and threw some undifferentiated images together with no concern for timing or transitions. My next video will be a simpler affair conducted with a modicum of foresight and a soupcon of humility. I sincerely hope. This weekend has sucked.

Artists included include Jim Fern, Neal Adams, Dick Giordano, Marshal Rogers, Frank Miller, Alan Davis, Paul Neary, Carmine Infantino, Dave Gibbons, JH Williams III, Walt Simonson, Don Newton, John Cassaday, JG Jones and many more, including a few Bob Kane ghost-artists, including probably Jerry Robinson and Dick Sprang, among other inclusions.

Includion, blah.

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