School has started and I'm near collapse. The weather has also been total shit. Oh, well. I'll get over it.
Before I get back to the countdown, I just want to give some props to Michael C. Hall for winning a Golden Globe for
Dexter. All I have to say is...
Anyway, my #9 pick...
For this one, it was a tie. I had to put both on here.
#9 -
Sin City/Wall-E

Sin City, it was probably the most literal interpretation of a comic book I had seen. That sounds like an awful idea, but it worked. Robert Rodriguez is, in a way, a lot like Woody Allen -- his movies are either a hit or a miss and never anything in between. For Rodriguez, this was definitely a hit. And it helped that Frank Miller, the creator of
Sin City, was right by his side the whole time.
When I first went to go see this film, I went to the Cerritos Mall in Cali. I went to the first showing on opening day. I think I was 16 at the time...? Anyway, it was a beautiful April 1, 2005. I had walked all the way to the theater (Which was about a 40 minute walk). I pre-ordered my ticket a few days prior and I was ready to see it. When I was about to enter the theater, one of the ushers came up to me and asked my age. I assumed 17 would have sufficed, but they said I couldn't go in by myself unless I was 18 (I despise the MPAA)! To make a long story short, I didn't see it that day and cried all the way home. I saw it later that night with my dad, and it was well worth the wait.
On to
Wall-E, which I believe is the
E.T. of this generation. God, I think there was a 20 minute time frame where I DIDN'T cry. This film was so smart and incredibly sweet. And the visuals! Goodness, it was just one of those movies that stuck out this decade. This film definitely gives me hope that children's movies can be good, and can be smart without being dumbed down to slap-stick. These days, children's films rely on fart jokes and pie-in-the-face humor, stuff I just can't stand! Pixar knows how to make a children's film, and in general, just a great film. It was definitely robbed of a "Best Picture" nod at the Oscars.
Prochain: #8...